-c -----> Specify an alternate configuration file
-d -----> Specify debugging mode. This flag may occur multiple times, with each occurrence indicat- ing greater detail of display
-e Specify the time (in seconds) it takes to compute the NTP encryption field on this com- puter
-f driftfile Specify the location of the drift file
-k Specify the location of the file which con- tains the NTP authentication keys
-l logfile Specify a log file instead of logging to sys- log
-m Listen for multicast messages and synchronize to them if available (requires multicast ker- nel)
-p ----> Specify the name of the file to record the daemon's process id
-r Ordinarily, the daemon automatically compen- sates for the network delay between the broadcast/multicast server and the client; if the calibration procedure fails, use the specified default delay (in seconds) |