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drawing interchange and file formats release 12(AutoCAD DXF 12.0版文件格式说明)

   enter decimal places of accuracy (0 to 16)/entities/binary <6>:
the binary option is described later in this chapter.
if you respond with "entities" (or just "e"), dxfout asks you to 
select the objects you want written to the dxf file. only the 
objects you select are included in the output file - symbol tables 
(including block definitions) will not be included. once you've 
selected the desired objects, autocad again prompts you for the 
numeric precision:
   enter decimal places of accuracy (0 to 16)/binary <6>:
dxfin command - loading a dxf file
a drawing interchange file can be converted into an autocad drawing 
by means of the dxfin command:
   command: dxfin  
when autocad prompts you, respond with the name of the drawing 
interchange file to be loaded.
full dxfin 
to load a complete dxf file, you must use dxfin in an empty drawing, 
before any entities have been drawn and before any additional block 
definitions, layers, linetypes, text styles, dimension styles, named 
views, named coordinate systems, or named viewport configurations 
have been created.
note: if the drawing you are using as a prototype is not empty, you 
might find it helpful to open a new drawing using the no 
prototype... button of the create new drawing dialogue box, as 
described in chapter 4 of the "autocad reference manual." you should 
also be aware that some third-party applications include an acad.lsp 
or .mnl file that modifies your drawing upon startup.
if any errors are detected during the input, the new drawing is 
discarded. otherwise, an automatic zoom all is performed to set the 
drawing extents.
partial dxfin
if the current drawing is not empty, dxfin loads only the entities 
section of the dxf file, adding the entities found there to the 
current drawing. in this case, dxfin displays the message:
   not a new drawing -- only entities section will be input.
if errors are detected during such partial dxf input, the drawing is 
returned to the state it was in before the dxfin command. otherwise, 
the newly added entities are drawn.
auditing dxf files
to ensure that corrupt data is not imported into your drawing, you 
can instruct autocad to perform an audit after importing dxf files 
into your drawing with dxfin. when you use dxfin, the default action 
is to perform no automatic auditing. to activate automatic auditing, 
use the config command: 
   command: config
your current autocad configuration appears. press 5 to continue. 
from the configuration menu select this option: 
   7. configure operating parameters
from the operating parameter menu select this option: 
   9. automatic audit after igesin, dxfin, or dxbin
answer y to this question: 
   do you want an automatic audit after igesin, dxfin, or dxbin?
   : y
return to the graphics screen by pressing 5 three times.
note: this kind of audit only displays the errors autocad finds; it 
does not correct them. to correct problems, use the audit command on 
the drawing while you are in autocad, or manually edit the dxf file.

本新闻共5页,当前在第2页  1  2  3  4  5  

上一篇:drawing interchange and file formats(AutoCAD DXF 10.0版文件格式说明)
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