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Graphics File Formats(Windows的.BMP .CUR .ICO文件的格式,有范例)

alternatively, for functions that use dibs, the bmcicolors member can be an
array of 16-bit unsigned integers that specify an index into the currently
realized logical palette instead of explicit rgb values. in this case, an
application using the bitmap must call dib functions with the wusage
parameter set to dib_pal_colors.

note: the bmcicolors member should not contain palette indexes if the
bitmap is to be stored in a file or transferred to another application.
unless the application uses the bitmap exclusively and under its complete
control, the bitmap color table should contain explicit rgb values.

see also

bitmapinfo, bitmapcoreheader, rgbtriple

bitmapcoreheader (3.0)

typedef struct tagbitmapcoreheader { /* bmch */
dword bcsize;
short bcwidth;
short bcheight;
word bcplanes;
word bcbitcount;
} bitmapcoreheader;

the bitmapcoreheader structure contains information about the dimensions and
color format of a device-independent bitmap (dib). windows applications
should use the bitmapinfoheader structure instead of bitmapcoreheader
whenever possible.

member description

bcsize specifies the number of bytes required by the
bitmapcoreheader structure.

bcwidth specifies the width of the bitmap, in pixels.
bcheightspecifies the height of the bitmap, in pixels.

bcplanesspecifies the number of planes for the target device. this
member must be set to 1.

bcbitcount specifies the number of bits per pixel. this value must be 1,
4, 8, or 24.


the bitmapcoreinfo structure combines the bitmapcoreheader structure and a
color table to provide a complete definition of the dimensions and colors of
a dib. see the description of the bitmapcoreinfo structure for more
information about specifying a dib.

an application should use the information stored in the bcsize member to
locate the color table in a bitmapcoreinfo structure with a method such as
the following:

lpcolor = ((lpstr) pbitmapcoreinfo + (uint) (pbitmapcoreinfo->bcsize))

see also

bitmapcoreinfo, bitmapinfoheader, bitmapinfoheader

rgbtriple (3.0)

typedef struct tagrgbtriple { /* rgbt */
byte rgbtblue;
byte rgbtgreen;
byte rgbtred;
} rgbtriple;

the rgbtriple structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities
of red, green, and blue. the bmcicolors member of the bitmapcoreinfo
structure consists of an array of rgbtriple structures. windows applications
should use the bitmapinfo structure instead of bitmapcoreinfo whenever
possible. the bitmapinfo structure uses an rgbquad structure instead of the
rgbtriple structure.

member description

rgbtbluespecifies the intensity of blue in the color.
rgbtgreen specifies the intensity of green in the color.
rgbtred specifies the intensity of red in the color.

see also

bitmapcoreinfo, bitmapinfo, rgbquad

typedef struct tagrgbtriple { /* rgbt */
byte rgbtblue;
byte rgbtgreen;
byte rgbtred;
} rgbtriple;

the rgbtriple structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities

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上一篇:bmp format(bmp文件格式)
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